Finally getting everything settled and into the program now feels amazing. Yesterday 4/5/2017 was my first actual sesion with Pauly @ Pauly's Productions. It was a great experience. Getting to see some materials that will hopefully one day take part in molding music of my own was surreal. Seeing a studio I think for all is exciting, lots of levers and buttons, ect. Now being there, first time, im more excited than ever. Dreams...
Ryan Nielsen-McCants — Wichita Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Ryan Nielsen-McCants
I uploaded my first song to SoundCloud. Its all been bitter sweet. I'm on CHP 16 now and finishing soon... Read More >>
So I am starting to build face around the studio. I sat in on a live studio session. Stayed they entire time and was very abosorbant of the info that was thrown around... Read More >>