This week I completed the song 17, which took me 12 hours of editing and mixing. I am really pleased with my final product for several reasons. The biggest is in the bridge, before the bass riff kicks in, the guitars (6 tracks) go into an automated pan-frenzy Left to Right, Left to Right. While a doppler shift is affecting all of them on an aux track, along side a flanger, and a delay. They all work quickly together to make a plane crashing sound effect that sounds like it's flying right in front of you into the water when you listen to it with headphones and your eyes closed. During the bass riff, the guitars auto pan randomly and create a really uncomfortable balance, when you listen to it, it makes you feel pressure on either side of your head and works as a psychoacoustic to fool the listener into feeling uncomfortable. After the bass riff, the effect reverses and flies out into the final chorus before the final verse. It sounds great, and everyone I showed it to agreed. They said the only thing was that the bass was too heavy in the mix, and the vocals could use autotune. And I said, I'm glad you pointed that out, the bass is heavy because its a bass oriented song, the lead singer is the bass player and he wanted it loud in the mix. And we didn't use autotune because we wanted to effect of panic, putting the vocalist in the perspective of the pilot, and the listeners in the perspective of reading the letter in the water proof bag. When I listen to the mix I don't think I would have done anything different.
Kevin Lovett — Winnepeg Recording Connection
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