Kevin LovettWinnepeg Recording Connection

Data Entry # 37: Friday November 1st, 2013 Posted on 2013-11-23 by Kevin Lovett

This week I spent recording all the 6 string acoustic parts and 12 string acoustic parts for my project, I also did 9 vocal takes for Time Well Spent, and spent the rest of my time editing at home. When I go back and forth to the studio and home I use my HDD port to transfer the files. When I come home, i'll plug it in to my iMac and save copy to a new folder to keep it organized by date. At home I run Pro Tools 10 (ptx) and at studio Len runs Pro Tools 8 (ptf) since the software is not forwards compatible, Pro tools 8 is not able to open up session that are ptx. So when I am done my editing at home, I save copy again to a PT8 folder I create within the folder I just created, and save it as a pro tools 7-9 session so it can be reopened at Bedside studio. It's a long and tedious process, and it takes up a ton of information—I'm talking 250 Gb of info by the end of this project!

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