Cody HamiltonLos Angeles Recording Connection

Major: Audio Engineering

Cody Hamilton. Apprentice in music production, audio engeering, and mixing to fulfill lifetime dream of working in the music industry.

Although my passion is to become a music producer for electronic music, I am also a follower of Blues, Dance, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Reggae, and Rock genres. I am always listening and looking for new artists, new songs and the current sounds of today.

Contact Details:

Cody Hamilton

Postal Address: 29930 Calle San Martine, Menifee California 92584, USA 


Phone: 951-440-9127

Twitter: @CodyHamilton

Latest Blog Entries from Cody Hamilton

Cody Hamilton

Posted by Cody Hamilton on 2013-10-21

Learning all different types of microphones was incredible. I never known that there is that many microphones in the world and that they are all used in different ways... Read More >>