Jennifer BanksAtlanta Recording Connection

Informative Chapter 3 Posted on 2018-07-05 by Jennifer Banks


Let's Jump Right into it!

The part of the lesson that caught my attention was sampling and quantizing a sound wave. However I don't think I ever knew that a movie was made up of a series of pictures either. Lol. To me that was very cool to know that in a film the sample rates relate to the sample rates in the music world. So just like any average person out there, who probably thinks that when you speak into the mic your voice just amplifies by the twist of a volume knob. But this chapter has it broken down to a "T". The engery from your voice is transferred into an electrical voltage. And I also bet that the average person didn't know that there are 44,100 samples estimate in a CD. The more I read this chapter the thought of the Matrix really comes to a visualization. I now know that even though a CD is very light it packs a lot of heavy material.

Jazell Diamond


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