Month in Music
- Posted on 2017-09-11 by Jaymes Redus
I have completed my first month as student of music. It has been a great experience so far. I have had the experince to meet some other new up comng artist and producers such as Jason Rome who has over 20 years of hits. He is a great guy and funny also. While I had the chance I was asking him all of the questions that I could think of I even asked him what was the key to his creativity :) I was just curious. He didn't have any problem with me asking. I was thinking next time I see him I will ask him to listen to a couple of tracks of mine just to get a feedback from a well know Platinim Record producer between Jason and Sheldon thy have wirked with alot of different artisit.
I have also been working on a few music tracks myself that I will post on my Sound Cloud account. I am going to let Sheldon listen to them see what he thinks that I can add or should I go another route. I have also been working on some mixing of songs that are in my extra credit. This is my first time actually taking time to do mixing and understand the full spectrum of what it takes to do a good mix. But I am looking forward to seeing what comes out of it. When I am done I will also post the new mixes on my soundcloud account.