Protools from a Pro, This week was not as exciting as last weeks session but nonetheless just as important if not more so. With out hard work you don't get play play hard and though its not so much of a physical hard work the technical aspect and proficiency needed is of the up most importance. Mr Winbush on our first meeting said that you do not want to just be a protools operator but a professional sound engineer and that has stuck with me ever since. In todays session after going through my test he let me sit down with him wile he worked on a session, mixing a live recording that was sent to him. One thing that i appreciate about Mr. Winbush is how he not only explains and demonstrates what the lesson for that day is he always explains the business side and how it translates into to being a success in this industry. Sorry i just wanted to throw that out there back to being able to watch how Mr. Winbush made his money and earn his respect in this business. He opnend up the protools session that was sent to him explaining to me as he prepared what he was doing we then spent a large amount of time discussing the importance of preparation when mixing and mastering. the more prepared and a plan of attack you have the easier this complicated process can be. Every session i have with my mentor Mr. Winbush builds my confidence and understanding of how the industry works.
Jonathan Hydock — Atlanta Recording Connection
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