I bet most students qho read this chapter did know what int the world was in their cable that charge their phone. In this chapter i was able to learn exactly how cables work and exactly what are they made of. its amazing the amout of cables you will be working as an mixer. It is important that you know exactly what you are doing with these cables, other wise you are going to cause damage to you wirering, setup, and your career.
Luis Garcia — Atlanta Recording Connection
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Luis Garcia
I bet most students qho read this chapter did know what int the world was in their cable that charge their phone. In this chapter i was able to learn exactly how cables work and exactly what are they made of... Read More >>
Luis Garcia
I bet most students qho read this chapter did know what int the world was in their cable that charge their phone. In this chapter i was able to learn exactly how cables work and exactly what are they made of... Read More >>