Devin ZornAustin Recording Connection

Bringing in the Bandmates Posted on 2014-01-12 by Devin Zorn


Time In: 11:44 AM

 This time around at the studio, i brought my friends and bandmates to the studio, since we are doing a challenge to release as much stuff as we can within a set amount of time during the year. We have had a full album worth of material written and recorded half with FL Studio and half with Logic Pro 9, but i went back to those session files and found them so disgustingly bad in every way compared to what we are all capable now (The tracks are almost 2 years old) that I knew we could redo the entire thing in Pro Tools 11/10 and Ableton. So i gave my friends a tour of the studio, the recording room, mic closet, kitchen area and the records on the wall and they are stoked to start getting the album knocked out. After an hour and a half there and a quick rough mix of the gospel song just so i can keep remembering how to use the patch bay to send the reverb to the tracks and have a separate headphone reverb, i was packing up and mentioned to Rick that we were going to guitar center to look at bass amps. He immediately said "Eight, Tens." and explained that having 8 ten-inch speakers is one of the best ways to go for bass amps, since the bigger speakers are so big and clumsy and make a muddy sound because its harder to move that much air, the 10' in speakers are much more responsive and when you get enough of them they can run circles around almost any other speaker size no matter how many of them you have. We tried it and we fell in love with an Ampeg 500 watt head and the Acoustic 8x10 cab, since my bassist was really partial to acoustic amps and still wanted something with Acoustic's name on it. The acoustic cab was much cheaper as well. We finished our time in dallas with a lot more knowledge and also a great feeling for what's to come. Plus, having friends with me made the 45 minute commute from NRH to North Dallas MUCH more fun! great day at the studio!

time out: 1;34 PM


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Devin Zorn

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