Date: 1/20/14 Time In:10 Time Out:1:20 Lesson# 2 Today was the most interesting day so far... Read More >>
Robert Maddox Jr. — Birmingham Recording Connection
The name is Robert Maddox of MaddX Musick. In the past my musical background has been more on the artist side of things, My love for music has drawn me to want to help other fellow artist out, so I felt I could be more useful to others as an Audio Engineer. I really don't have many accolaids to hang my hat on, but trust me the bio is in progress. As much as I'm looking forward to adding to my own legacy, I'm actually looking forward to helping others get there legacy started. With that being said "Lets Work"!!
Latest Blog Entries from Robert Maddox Jr.
Date: 1/15/2014 Time In:10 Time Out: 11 Lesson: #1 My first lesson was pretty interesting... Read More >>