Robert Maddox Jr.Birmingham Recording Connection

Recording Connection Blog entry #2 Posted on 2014-04-10 by Robert Maddox Jr.

Date: 1/20/14

Time In:10

Time Out:1:20

Lesson# 2

Today was the most interesting day so far.  There is such thing as a good accident.  I will explain that a lil better later in my blog.  Tyler one of my mentors taught me the importance of atoms.  It was sort of like going through the 4th grade again.  He explained their function and the parts they play in the conduction of electricity.  Thanks to this lesson I have a better understanding of volts,AMP,OHMS, watts and circuits.  Though it seemed like a difficult subject, it was easily simplified by my mentor.  Tyler was great at simplifying things.  Now this is where it got interesting.  My reason for sayin that it is there's such thing as good accidents, because I actually took the time to stay a little extra afterwards,and I was blessed with the opportunity to mic a session for my mentor Don Mosely.  I assisted Tyler which happens to be Don's assistant.  Don also let me sit in on his session. This moment tells me that I made a great decision.


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