Richard ScottBirmingham Recording Connection

Lesson 12 Signal Processing- A Posted on 2013-04-17 by Richard Scott

FIrst of all, an EQ is used to boost or cut certain frequencies throughout the frequency spectrum. The active and passive equilizers are the most common 2 that are in the world today. Every EQ has what is called a filter. There is a Shelf, Pass, or Parametric filters used in the EQ sequence. A shelf eq takes one signal down to the DB level and makes the rest of the frequencies at the same level on either side. Pass filters are catagoried by a Low and High pass filter. The high pass filter eliminates all low frequencies and allows the highs to pass through. It is the exact opposite for a Low pass filter. A parametric filter actually uses both high and low frequencies. If the EQ is at the same level on the Frequency Band Width, then the level has no change and therefore is known as flat line. Every EQ will have a Frequency Band Width.

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