Jeremy DupliseaCalgary Recording Connection

Remote session #3 Posted on 2013-09-02 by Jeremy Duplisea

Today was remote session #3.  Brian called me and we used team viewer once again.  I had my ProTools open and working on a session already.  This week we covered alot of different things concerning automation.  We look at the different views with-in ProTools.  For example there is panning, volume. track, waveform and so on.  Brain taught me how to use this different functions.  He show me how to make the begin and ending of the track fade in and out.  We also made some different panning effects.  There was a stereo track on this session and we use it to practice panning in stereo.  We talked about panning and fading though the master fader on top of all of this.  Again this is all the time we had for this session.

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