Chapter 2 is done! This was a very easy chapter if you have already taken any chemistry or physics class in high school so it was easy to get done. The review was good I guess nonetheless. Wouldn't have minded some more information about the difference between analog and digital recording but I believe that lesson is still coming up. This week at the studio with Doug we talked a bit about the acoustics in the studio following the first chapter on sound. After that I was quite looking forward to chapter 18 to learn how to set up a room for the best acoustics. This week of course was very interesting again. It was interesting to see Doug work with musicians that have different skill levels and also to see him do even a basic mix was interesitng. Looking forward to getting better at everything so I can help out more during sessions!
Joey Denbutter — Campbellville Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Joey Denbutter
Joey Denbutter
After a couple of days off at the studio due to the fact that Doug went to LA to do some recording there and go to the NAMM Show I was able to complete chapters 17 and 18... Read More >>
Joey Denbutter
It's been a while since the last blog, but with christmas and new years I was not fully focussed on doing my lessons... Read More >>