This has been one of the greatest and most humbling adventures in my thirty three years of living. The whole going through the initial process of getting admitted into school was reminicent of my college days, but this process has a lot more meaning due to the simple fact that losing/failure is not an option. My drive to do what I love and have been gifted with trumps everything. Meeting with Elliot at Truphonic Recordings has been eye-opening. Although I've been in a studio before, never one like this though. Just watching E work is amazing and adds fuel to that drive that I mentioned earlier. Mostly, I understand that I have a lot of work to do. Sacrifices are a must. Elliot spent a lot of time, hard work and dedication into his craft and now he reaps the benefits of his labor. Thats the story of my life: Hard work = True Benefits!! Lastly, I would like to thank The Recording Connection for this opportunity. I take it serious and there is no turning back.
Chris Jennings — Charleston Recording Connection
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