I've never really been one to write or keep a log of everything but theres always a start for something. I wanna be able to remember my journey throughout this program and look back at my accomplishments and how i progress. I'm not exactly sure what my goal is yet. I've thought about just working for a studio, about opening my own, going into live sound, and ive just spun in circles with pros and cons and all thats involved. I've always been unsure about my future and what i wanted to do but i think i might have actually found something that keeps me motivated, challenged and that i really enjoy. One thing i do know is when im in the studio makes me happy. It makes me feel almost calm but also excited and full of adrenaline. Theres so many things i want to discover how they work and what they do. I had my official orientation today. I met my mentor and we talked about me and him and tips of the trade and all and hearing his journey inspired me to push myself into this more than i already was. I also met a few of the other students that the studio hosts, they're all quirky and special in their own way but thats what makes them, them. Everyone is themselves and they're not afraid to be that. I truly feel like my studio is one that i can excel in and make those connections that everyone says is needed one day. Which brings me to another thing, Communication. Something im not good at and I never have been. I've always been the one to keep to myself and keep my head down. But hey, as i said before theres always a start to something. I finished my first chapter in the Active Textbook and aced my quiz but theres a few things i was still unsure about which ill be looking into in more depth later. I enjoy learning all the things that go into sound, how we hear things and the science behind it. Im excited to be able to apply the stuff onto the music and do it myself to achieve the sound i want. I cant wait until i get more time in the studio, Im eager to learn more about it and the equipment used. I may not know what my goal is yet, but im gonna enjoy the ride and make the most out of it until i do, and hopefully along the way ill figure out what my key skill is and be able to use that to succeed.
Rebeca Lynn — Charlotte Recording Connection
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Rebeca Lynn
I've never really been one to write or keep a log of everything but theres always a start for something... Read More >>