If you ever dreamt of how an actual recording studio would look like Transient Sound is a wonderland for recording artist, musicians, or anyone aspiring to make sounds different from the norm. I was really impressed with the layout as it was how I pictured; live sound room, mixing room, a piano room, etc. There is a room for everything. My mentor Steven Gillis received me with open arms as I appeared nervous those feelings subsided. His skills have gotten him to a place where I too shall reach, success.
The studio was built out of pocket and took years of hard work. Along with his long time friend Verjay, who is also a producer/engineer used there savings and funded their own. Steven has his own band but works with many local artists and those who already have clout in the industry. Verjay also works with Grammy nominees and local upcoming band called The RightNow. I also met two other engineering producers Tyler and Joe both very knowledgeable of music and instruments.
Although this is my first week I'm very confident that I'm going to learn a lot from these guys. Even more so I am the only intern that they have taken in which is very benificial to my learning experience. Now I have to learn an instrument and familiarize self with studio equipment and etiquette.