Chapter 9 was another great chapter. I like the way everything was kept kinda short and sweet without going into an overwhelming amount of detail. That's good to also make students explore and be more independent with experimenting and just trying different things in the software. One of the things that stood out to me is when your converting audio its best not to 'add' but instead copy so in case you take your session to another studio/place, then everything will be saved and you won't lose a part of your session. I also love how fully customizable this software is. Now its time to start experimenting and getting myself familiar with the software. Im excited to get started!
Winston Gordon — Chicago Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Winston Gordon
Chapter 10 was Short and sweet. Basically talking about inserts and different updates to the protools software. Im going to be experimenting with some audio samples in protools to get a feel for focus keys and play around with the software to manipulate the audio samples... Read More >>
Chapter 9 was another great chapter. I like the way everything was kept kinda short and sweet without going into an overwhelming amount of detail... Read More >>