Chapter 10 was on plugins and processors. Super interesting to me because like other things I've learned about through this course those are things I knew about but never knew what they are realllyy about. Also inserts and sends use to confuse me and whenever i use to record friends i would almot totally ignore sends because i didnt understand what they were for at all. But thanks to this lesson I know the difference and I love having this knowledge. Almost feel like its sacred haha. Next week is my mid term, although a tiny bit nervous because I dont want to achieve anything less than an A+, Im very excited that ive gotten to this point and cant wait to go even farther!
Joe Kepich — Cleveland Recording Connection
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Joe Kepich
This lesson was on equalization. Very, very interesting lesson. It packed a lot of information into it and I feel somewhat challenged by this portion of the process... Read More >>
Joe Kepich
Today before we got into the lesson I had the opportunity to sit in on a session with a 16 year old Hip Hop artist by the name of Issiah(Spelling?)... Read More >>