Hey guys this is April here and I am new to Recording Connection. I have never been in a studio before, and don't even know much about it. Well my first day in the studio I was able to watch a local band that was actually really really good. I didn't get to stay to hear them do an entire set because they was still waiting on another band memeber who arrived late and of course I had to work early the next day. Well my frist day I learned how to set up microphones to a drum set and hook up the cords. That was basically it for my first day because they had a session going on, so it was pretty cool to watch and listen to them. So that was pretty much it for my 1st day. My 2nd day in the studio was ok, it didn't really last long because of a miscommunication but since I drove all the way there, he decided to show me a few basic things that I needed to know. I learned how to roll and unroll a microphone cord properly. I never knew there was a certain way to roll a cord but once he explained why it made sense. It wasn't hard at all, I can't believe some people actually have problems doing that. I also learned how to hook the cord up to the mic again and where to hook them up in order to get sound. So I just learned the basics and I am very excited for my next lesson in the studio. So until next time. Peace
April Hannah — Columbus Recording Connection
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April Hannah
Hey guys this is April here and I am new to Recording Connection. I have never been in a studio before, and don't even know much about it... Read More >>