Koby Parks - March 9, 2016
This past week and chapter was pretty straight forward and talked about the types of connectivity and signal flow through the studio.
Alex had me come in last Tuesday and we went over the lesson and he tested me over several different analog and a few digital connectors including but not limited to 1/4" TS (unbalanced) and TRS (balanced), RCA, BNC, XLR, TT/Bantam, 1/8" mini, ELCO, DB25, CAT5, and DL cables. Each of these cables have their own specifics and uses throughout the studio. The most commonly used cables are 1/4" (guitars, basses, amps, and patch bays), XLR (microphones), and TT or Tiny Telephone cables for the main patch bay. Each of these connectors also have their specific "Hot-Ground" or "Hot-Cold-Ground" connections in order for signal to flow through them and to other applications and instruments properly. He is also having me study and learn the output/input flow of his patch bay and how it can be used to advantage in the studio. It's complex and takes awhile to get used to but makes a lot of sense in the long run.
After the lesson I was able to sit in on another session with Feel Never Real as they completed a new song with a vocal session. Alex used a tube microphone to track the vocals and the overall product sounded great.