Due to technical difficulties, I have finished Chapter 1 of my Active Textbook before my first studio session. This is fine however because there will be no shortages of elaborated details on my studies! This chapter has already set me on the right path, I can feel it.
At it's essence, Chapter 1 breaks down the characteristics of sound from a physics standpoint as well as the anatomical psychoacoustics that I personally have never even considered beyond the emotional perception. I've learned a great deal of entirely new information in the realm of psychoacoustics that I will be certain to further study as this is a field I am most interested in mastering. The physics of sound was explained in a comprehensible yet technical manner. The overall information presented to me was both memorable and interesting and was a brilliant start to my lessons.
Another reason this chapter is so quintessential to my educational foundation is how well it explains the fundamental characteristics of sound and how it directly affects the tasks of a professional audio engineer/producer. There was much in the ways of terminology that I had a vague, rather amatuer understanding of that is rather essential to the correct operation of any DAWs and the proper manipulation of sound therein such. These terms included waveform envelope, frequency, phasing, decibel, and more. These were things that I was quite familiar with as they are seen and commonly manipulated in every DAWs, but I didn't really grasp them and this chapter seriously enhanced my understanding of these concepts and that of others.
Chapter 1 also touched briefly on topics that are to be discussed in detail at a later time. This both excited me to what the future of my studies holds as well as gave me some early pointers to some of the common pitfalls that many stumble upon in the mixing process. I immediately recognized the ones I have managed to avoid on my own and others that I am guilty of and I will promptly work to better myself in.
I am seriously pumped up for my first studio session with Rick Rooney and cannot wait to show him what I've got, It's going to be a long road to the top for certain, but every journey of a 1000 miles began with a single step.