It is 4am in Dallas and I am wondering where I am supposed to be. About a hundred people around me yet none are them are even close to me... Read More >>
RJ Gloria — Dallas Recording Connection
RJ Gloria...or known as an artist as..BZ...He is engulfed in his thoughts,enthralled with his fears,haunted by his dreams,occupied with the present,dedicated to his future,measured by his past,esteemed by his peers,hated by his self,concerned with his spirit, and in love with his life...I AM THE VERY ESSENCE OF...A NEWBREED of INTELLIGENT GANGSTA,GAINING,ASSETS...AN ACTOR, MUSICIAN,OWNER.
i am a self proclaimed a-hole, but funny none the less,passionate,a perfectionist,strong willed,honorable,fair,hungry,a grinder,punctual,a dreamer, i live for the moment, a teacher, a listener,a son ,brother,husband,and father to many kids whom i did not bare,a leader, trendsetter,street, gangsta and scholar,gentleman,and damn fine if i might add....oh and quite a bit cocky.....i am a musician,actor,producer,artist, and i am non conforming,i believe deeply in my talents and dreams,i also believe i am a live wire that has a temper that i really have to keep a close eye on, I AM BZ