RJ GloriaDallas Recording Connection

I Myself....A Story from A Composer Posted on 2013-04-30 by RJ Gloria

It is 4am in Dallas and I am wondering where I am supposed to be. About a hundred people around me yet none are them are even close to me.I used to have a vision God himself spoke to me but now I'm to over zealous my only concerns are how the rims are poking B. Just smoking weed and shots of liquor, but that was before I was being held accountable. The times were so much simpler, I was just trying to make good music but now if I tell a reporter what my religious views then I may make the news with it. I have been called every negative thing you can mention. Yet never once have I been seen soley as a Christian, and that bothers me, All you see, is the performance while the lights are on. Singing every chorus repeating every line from every song,but my torment comes when the night is done. Your left with the thoughts of my showmanship and me, I'm just left with my demons and the loneliness. Therefore this dedicated to Dear You, yea the fan. Every little kid that says "Yea B your the man". Please I beg of you to understand that I am doing the best that I can. Through this Cush smoke and these cold bottles I can see the eyes of the kids who view me as a role model and that makes me just like the rest of them...a damn nobody. Nobody, ever said being a leader was a cake walk especially when I'm to bust being addicted to the same thing as Kate Moss. As I'm in Luis Vuitan boat shoes on Cape Cod I play the escape artist. Just in hopes those that really know me will never paint me as a fake artist. I put my heart into this ....Honestly.

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