The past couple weeks have been packed with sessions. Ive bee introduced to a lot of new things in recording. A band was in last weekend called oceans, and i got to sit in and help the whole three days they were here. i helped track drums guitars and bass. im starting to learn how to patch things myself and set up various mics by myself. for example i set up a whole drumset and mics and ran the lines for a session coming in while my mentor was editing something for a different session. im starting to learn better and better how to act in a studio and how i present myself and my place as an assistant. overall things are going great and im learning a lot.
Jonathan Shuka — Des Moines Recording Connection
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Jonathan Shuka
i havent gotten on here enough but maybe its because im so busy in the studio! Ive gotten to be in helping with a lot of cool projects, everything from radio commercial sessions to full live bands... Read More >>
Jonathan Shuka
The past couple weeks have been packed with sessions. Ive bee introduced to a lot of new things in recording. A band was in last weekend called oceans, and i got to sit in and help the whole three days they were here... Read More >>