Well, I've finally begun my journey to the vision. I have begun what I have only been dreaming about for years, the tiny little snowball is currently quietly bouncing featherly down the massive endless snowy hill of the future slowly growing in size. It has started out slowly with my mentor, the Recording Connection guys and myself to all be on the same page, and I'm not sure we are even quite there yet, but I feel confident we will be. The feeling I get from music as a whole is, and has always been, something deeper than just sounds and rhythms slapped together to create some song. I have always known that I've had some sort of talent listening and creating music of my own uniqueness, so I decided to take it a step further (or rather one giant never-ending leap) with the Recording Connection in hopes of learing as much as I can, meeting the right people for success, and hopefully getting a little lucky on my path to create music that people can relate to, and hopefully feel more than anything.
Justin Fulton — Hotchkins Recording Connection
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Well, I've finally begun my journey to the vision. I have begun what I have only been dreaming about for years, the tiny little snowball is currently quietly bouncing featherly down the massive endless snowy hill of the future slowly growing in size... Read More >>