Deke LeCompteHouston Recording Connection

Reverb & Delay Posted on 2013-03-05 by Deke LeCompte


10AM - 12PM

Lesson 14

Reverb and Delay are effects I use every day at work, trying to add a cool sound to each singer according to what song they are singing. However all the dynamics and controls that we can use in ProTools is awesome. I usually only get an outboard effects processor with one variation control like the Yamaha I'm using at one location to three controls like the Soundcraft EFX8 that I'm using at the other location. I personally like Soundcraft boards, and the four that I have used were all great boards, and lasted a long time being we took care of them of course. The EFX8 has a better FX channel than the ones I have used before. On this one has 1.A. a pre-delay B. Time / Speed control, 2.A. a Decay B. Time/ Speed control, 3. A/B Variations control. With an Aux send, a storage and a tap tempo control, solo, mute, and two banks of 16, giving you a total of 32 onboard effects, this is a great board for live venues. I would have bought the step up, MFXi8, but after doing more research the Soundcraft website does not recommend it for studio work. Although I'm pretty sure it would do just fine in a home studio setting.

Now learning a whole new level of Reverb with, reverb time, pre-delay, room size, type of chamber, reflection, EQ, meter, input and output. Wow technology has come so far, and given us so much control over what we can create. Ernie was showing me one of his high end reverb plugins, telling me that with the mic it came with, you can create your own reverb that the studio naturally makes, and use it as a preset. How cool is that! Delay, a personal favorite of mine. I've played with delay for years even as a kid on the old reel-to-reel, cause it was fun! Reading about delays in our books, I did not realize that flange and chorus were really a form of delay. Ernie showed me controls on one of his high end plugins, and a hand full of cool stuff it could do. Timing your delay correctly is crucial for great effect, and knowing when to use it. Phase shifting another cool tool, I will play with.

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