Towards the end of my time at Studio 713, my knowledge on mastering has grown more aware of the ways to control certain frequencies/levels in the mix BEFORE the mastering process in order to gain clarity in the actual process of mastering. I like adding lots of synthesis in my tracks so it is important not to boost too much of a certain frequency range that could overall be boosted in the master as a whole. I've also spent time learning how to use the different types of Limiters, Maximizers, and Multiband Dynamics mastering plugins by Waves, Izotope, and Slate Digital - which is a lot different from the stock plugin options I've used in Ableton.
Ben Foster — Houston Recording Connection
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I like to think I had a very creative approach to my final mix assignment. It helped to have overall ideas on where to pan the tracks, what types of plugins to use, and what kinds of time-based/send FX to use for the final touch... Read More >>
Towards the end of my time at Studio 713, my knowledge on mastering has grown more aware of the ways to control certain frequencies/levels in the mix BEFORE the mastering process in order to gain clarity in the actual process of mastering... Read More >>