Resistor= works to hinder the flow of electricity.
An EQ is usually a combo of filter circuits!
After more than 100 years of study, the discharge of a CAPACITOR was found to be oscillatory.
William Thompson= Physicist who solved early cable issues in long distance transmissions.
LOW PASS FILTER= allows freqs below a user defined center frequency to pass unaffected.
3 MAIN parameters of EQ = bandwidth, frequency, and amplitude!
INDUCTOR= stores energy in an electromagnetic field.
Langevin EQ 215A= forrunner to the modern graphic eq.
Early EQ was developed to assist in long distance transmission.
PROGRAM EQ = allows the user to select from a group of predefined center freqs and adjust amplitude levels according to a predefined bandwidth amount.
Graphic Eq = has predefined center freqs and a predetermined bandwidth amount. User has contro over boost and cut!