So I blazed through the book part of the masters course for reasons of being able to concentrate on recording an artist and putting my mad skills to the real test, all the while being harrassed by the devil (also known as my insurance agent) who still seems determined to see me fail and being scolded by the super profesional yet darling motherly career councillor for my fallbacks. And alas, here am I getting my cert nearly 5 months early. And its not that Im mad about it it for indeed I am happy but I have not finished what is oytlined in the paperwork and feel as though I somehow cheated myself into my cert. So I go tomorrow to do battle with the hounds of hell who, to save a buck that they didnt earn just want to push me through whilst acusing me of abusing drus the whole time. But worry you not , oh brothers and sisters of the cause for I am a warior of intellegence faith an an un namable powers. With these gifts from GOD i shall once again put the serpent back under the rock where she belongs or I myself shall go to my grave with cert. gripped in my cold hands. Stay tune ye mixers and prepare to knight me on the morrows eve.....
David DeWitt — Las Vegas Recording Connection
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David DeWitt
So I blazed through the book part of the masters course for reasons of being able to concentrate on recording an artist and putting my mad skills to the real test, all the while being harrassed by the devil (also known as my insurance agent) who still seems determined to see me fail and being scolded by the super profesional yet darling motherly career councillor for my fallbacks... Read More >>
David DeWitt
Having lived with more than my fare share of mellinials, I have come to my own conclusion that these boiys and girls, talented to be sure, dont need to hold a note due to autotune... Read More >>