Today I went down to Santa Fe and took a friend who is a great classical guitarist to the studio to get the feel of how a real session goes. My mentor went over the basics of setting up a session in Pro Tools then we posistioned our mics and got the session rolling. After we set everything up just right hearing the audio come through the monitors and sitting in the head chair was by far one of the best feelings!
Jamez Sisneros — Las Vegas Recording Connection
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Jamez Sisneros
Hey guys whats up this past week I received some tracks from a great pop punk band by the name of Actions... Read More >>
Jamez Sisneros
Ok so it's been a while since I've posted on here so lets do some catching up. Recently I recieved my copy of Pro Tools and purchased a Mac Book Pro ( runs way more stabe than PC) I also purchased some pretty nice KRK stuidio monitors... Read More >>