Eric RobertsonLexington Recording Connection

Chapter 1 (Sound & Hearing) Posted on 2015-01-26 by Eric Robertson

I started the e-book not knowing what to expect since I've never taken a class online from an e-textbook. When I first started I was very impressed by the content of the book, the videos, the audio samples, the pictures, but more importantly the comment feature. A lot of the comments were really helpful, and saved me some time with writing notes. I learned a couple of technical things about sound like rarefaction, and compression. On Thursday, the 22nd I went to Da Spot Recording studio, to continue the first chapter. I didn't really expect to learn much being I was only on the first lesson, which is basically the basics, however I learned so much, that it made me realize I honestly don't know as much as I thought haha. I learned about how sound bounces off of objects, and how you sound proof a studio to ABSORB any extra sound. I also learned something I would have never guessed in a million years, that sometimes it could be better to record in an open field, than to record in a studio at times. In an open field there won't be any objects for sound to bounce off of. I also learned some of the basics of eqing, I already knew about low, mid, and high frequencies, but I had no idea the high fequencies are bought up sometimes on vocals to bring the breath out, and make it sound much more crisp.  I had told my mentor that after the e-book lesson I didn't understand much on phase, and he let me hear an example, and explained it, and now I understand it clearly. It was very exciting to learn new things about sound, and I can honestly say I learned a decent amount just from the first lesson, and the whole first week isn't even over yet. I can't wait for what's to come!


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