In our first lesson, Randy and I discussed alot about how all the technology communicated with each other in order to make the sound we were looking for. He gave me an over view of how his Sonar music software worke. I learned about MIDI vs Audio sound. We ran over some basic music terms such as panning and chorusing. I took another tour of the studio and learned how the room was wired and all the inputs to the room.
Jill Orr — little rock Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Jill Orr
Jill Orr
I have worked alot with Sonar recently. We also in our last visit burned a vinyl to a CD and used software to clip and make everything nice and clean... Read More >>
Jill Orr
In our first lesson, Randy and I discussed alot about how all the technology communicated with each other in order to make the sound we were looking for... Read More >>