In the third chapter of the textbook I learned about digital audio and all of the endorsments it comes with. What is not recognized by people listening to the music is how many advanced education comes with creating it. What I never thought of was the comparison between a mpvie and music. In the beginning of the chapter I read on page 2, section 1, on paragrah 2 it states, "A movie is made by taking a series of still photos in rapid sequence, at a constant rate of at least twenty-four frames per second. When the photos are displayed in sequence at the same rate, the human brain will interpret the information as continuous motion, even though we are actually seeing twenty-four or more discrete images per second. Digital Audio recording works on thesame principle. We take many discrete, instantaneous samples of the sound wave's amplitude, store that information, and later reproduce those amplitudes at the same rate to create the illusion of a continuous wave." The very beginning ot the chapter where this quote came from really caught my attention. I realized that I had never thought about it that way, and now the thought comes into my mind when I turn on the tv or my ipod. The Digital Audio section of this textbook was a lot easier for me to become interested rather than the Electricity chapter. I am so excited to get further itnto this textbook continuing to become more and more interested and amazed as im furthering my education.
Bre Shuster — Los Angeles Recording Connection
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