Daniel BubertLos Angeles Recording Connection

Chapter 2- Some More Stuff I Knew And Some I Didn Posted on 2015-04-14 by Daniel Bubert

Ok party people, here we go with round 2. I met Derek at the studio around 6:30 after a ridiculous day at work in which nothing wanted to cooperate. Here's a little backround for you. By day I am a pool service technician, a line of work I have been in for way too long (11 years) and basically connot stand anymore. Hence my enrollment in this course. By night, If you were able to ascertain from last weeks blog, I am in a band. Lesson 2 was on basic electronics. A lot of the basics of electronics I learned in my high school Chem Honors class. So, again, some of this material was sort of a refresher course but helpfull none the less. 

                      Derek and I went over the chapter quiz, which I aced, so that went fairly quickly. He then proceeded to have me make a signal flow diagram concerning a simple mic set up. Pretty simple really, Sound (acoustic evergy) -> Mic ( 1st transducer in the chain, changes acoustic energy to low voltage electrical energy) -> Preamp (changes low voltage electrical energy to a line level signal) -> ADC (Audio Digital Converter) -> Computer/Pro Tools -> DAC (Digital Audio Converter) -> Power Amp (if needed) -> Speakers( Electrical evergy is converted back to Acoustic energy) -> Your Ears (Last Transducer in an audio signal, converts acoustic energy to nerve impulses that are then percieved by you brain as sound). 

                       I went ahead and started reading chapter 3 before I really needed to and that will not be a refresher course on anything. I'm going to go back and read it again and then take the quiz. I'll let you all know how I do. 'Til next week all

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