Gissala FuLos Angeles Recording Connection

I\'ve been dreaming about Pro Tools! Posted on 2014-12-06 by Gissala Fu

Nothing is more exciting than getting started with Pro Tools! Since day one, I have been dreaming about Pro Tools and the amount of thing I could do with Pro Tools! It is such a good feeling to finally get started on how to use Pro Tools. I remember the first time sitting back watching my mentor work with Pro Tools like it was second nature to him.  I admired his ability to operate Pro Tools at such a efficient speed. Pro Tools is where the magic happens. Although I can't say I'm not a little scared by the amount of memorization that will soon to come in order to succeed in fully operating the program. But I believe with dedication and motivation, it will take no time to master the basics. Then to progress further into this magical software until I succeed in making my own music. 

So far my experience with learning in a fully functioning studio is amazing. It's most definitely safe to say I learn faster in an working environment than a classroom setting. It is extremely useful to have a mentor by your side answering any and all questions that you have on the spot. All academic contents are easier to absorb when I am being practical with it, applying knowledge to real life settings as I learn. Very happy to have found a studio where I can advance more into my music career. It just gets better and better!

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