Trayshard SorrellLos Angeles Recording Connection


I've been doing music for about 10yrs, but most of those years it was more of a hobby. 3yrs ago I was blessed to have been brought onto Pardon The Movement. Being on this team has opened some great doors for me in allowing me to do what I love. I still work a 9-5; actually a 7-7, job at Enterprise Car Rental. Everyday I would dread going to work, because I knew that my talents weren't being used. My times is short because of work and having a family, so I have to try to find time for music when I can. Usually that time would be 11pm-3am; the time a normal working person would be sleep. Ive always had a dream ofbeing able to  spend more time strengthening my relationship with God, spending more time with my family, and making music. When I came across the Recording Connection, I thought it was to good to be true. I am looking forward to being able to live my dreams, and to sharpening my skills in music. 

Latest Blog Entries from Trayshard Sorrell

Trayshard Sorrell

10.09.14Posted by Trayshard Sorrell on 2014-10-25

This session is where we talked about what Steve had already talked about in our 1st session. Digital Audio. I told stee that I had been using Reason for a while, and I had a friend that used to help me mix... Read More >>