
Latest Blog Entries from Mobile Recording Connection Students

Theodore Chance

Working HardPosted by Theodore Chance on 2018-04-09

It's been really tough trying to balance work, school and my music. But i think i have been persevering really well and have been keeping up with these releases all the while steadily learning and becoming a better sound engineer and musician... Read More >>

Dylan Knapp

Chapter 17Posted by Dylan Knapp on 2017-05-19

Automation can be very tricky to get things how you want them. Learning this chapter opened my eyes as to how my favorite bands have really cool effects in their music... Read More >>

Dylan Knapp

Almost FinishedPosted by Dylan Knapp on 2017-05-17

It sometimes slipped my mind to stay active with these blogs. I've continued to learn so any different things, all of which are valuable and will help me in beginning my career of audio engineering... Read More >>

Dylan Knapp

Chapter 12Posted by Dylan Knapp on 2017-03-27

I've reached the halfway point, and I'm really excited for all that comes next. I was able to record my drum covers, and I've finished quantizing one of the songs... Read More >>