I work with Maschine from Native Instuments, it's basically what I learned to produce on but its got its ups and downs. It's got most of the same features as any other DAW, sounds can sound pretty good on it, but the cpu meter cant seem to stop spiking to the point where I cant hear the song anymore. So, i'm excited to be getting Logic eventually to solve my issues hopefully! But good lesson, and I can use these topics no matter what I use, it's pretty cool learning thses things about sound, you see the world differently!
Guy Pressler — Montana Recording Connection
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Guy Pressler
Pretty cool chapter, my dad is a handyman, so got to experience the home electrical installation. Only now do I actually get how it all works together! Current, Voltage, Resistance all have good depictions to help remember, and Im glad I have a quick source to look at analog and digital electronics, to help refresh my memory... Read More >>
Guy Pressler
I work with Maschine from Native Instuments, it's basically what I learned to produce on but its got its ups and downs... Read More >>