Yesterday I've learned about what is called Konnakol. Konnakol is is the art of performing percussion syllables vocally in South Indian music, it is the most advanced yet simple type of rhythm, used a lot for percussionists to create 'broken rhythms'. There are different types of syllables which can be grouped in different ways. For now, I've learned the following:
Group of 4: TA - KA - DI - MI
Group of 2: TA - KA
Group of 3: TA - KI - DA
We can group those syllables to tempos of 1/4,1/8,1/16 and more to create different rhythms, changing their order also makes you come up with different results and there are all sort of different tempos to be used, a very interesting one is 7/8 which seems to not make sense but musically it sounds well...How? We can think of 7 as the groups of 4 and 3 together! ( TA - KI -DA TA - KA - DI - MI ) The thing is to say all 7 syllables in the time of 8 repetitions, which creates the different rhythm.