Been an interesting couple of weeks. I help set up a sound system worth over 125 thousand dollars, loaded up over 10 drumsets, 10 amps, guitars etc for a Jazz Festival this month, and I also got my hands on a beautiful road case that can house a mixer as well as 5/6 rack mounts. More gigs this weekend and I can't wait.
Travis Wentzell — Montreal Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Travis Wentzell
Travis Wentzell
Well, what a lot of gear. This past month I packed, unpacked, repacked, reunpacked, counted and checked over about 80% of the instruments used for Osheaga and Heavy Montreal... Read More >>
Travis Wentzell
Well although it has been a slowish couple weeks, I've progressed further in the non-audio side of things. I am now capable of doing light shows for bands and at clubs and man is it something else... Read More >>