Well although it has been a slowish couple weeks, I've progressed further in the non-audio side of things. I am now capable of doing light shows for bands and at clubs and man is it something else. Don't get me wrong I love sound, but being able to do lights too is a great thing to have. Mixing is coming along good, slow, but good. Working on trying to get a second screen so I don't have to keep switching between the two pages of Pro Tools, it's a real pain. Coming along great with the two bands I'm in as well, got some shows coming up in August tha I am really excited for. Other than that, time to get some more work done. Until next week, lata
Travis Wentzell — Montreal Recording Connection
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Travis Wentzell
Well although it has been a slowish couple weeks, I've progressed further in the non-audio side of things. I am now capable of doing light shows for bands and at clubs and man is it something else... Read More >>