Jonathan HedgeNashville Recording Connection

Chapter 1, Sound, and first session with Ric Web. Posted on 2014-05-20 by Jonathan Hedge

Reading through the first lesson, I cant help but be dragged into so much awesome information. I read every word and watched every video just cause of how interested i was in it. 

When i got to Ric Web's studio i was nervous at first, but he made me feel pretty comfortable. We started talking about his studio and how its set up. He pointed out bass traps in the walls and how the room wasnt at all level with the oppisite ends. I had never taken a second to stop and look around his studio like that and i was astounded by how cool the concept of, not having a level room creates better better sound because the air molecules cant escape they just bounce everywhere!

Having Ric and I be on the same page with the concept that music is everything really made me feel more of a connection grow between me and my mentor. I feel like he understands the way i feel about music just as much as i do. Because it really is everything.

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