hey whats up everyone its ya boy @tbirdbeatz had a great day at innerecess learnd some stuff.I even got to listen to some projects in the works .i got lots of work ahead of me and i'll be super busy but i signed up for this. my mentor aaron is pretty cool laid back i think we can work good together . i hope to learn alot on this journey in audio world peace and see ya next time tbirdbeatz out
Tyrone Dillon — New Orleans Recording Connection
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Tyrone Dillon
this chapter was a very important one cause it explained the valuable tecniques needed to use in the studio when recording insturments... Read More >>
Tyrone Dillon
chapter 4 helpd me better uderstand my microphone and my setup a lot better i now know the names of all my cables and wires i even organized them better i know what a patcbay is and im still learning some stuff about them my daw has some digital replicas of patchbays and evens works like the real deal... Read More >>