chapter 4 helpd me better uderstand my microphone and my setup a lot better i now know the names of all my cables and wires i even organized them better i know what a patcbay is and im still learning some stuff about them my daw has some digital replicas of patchbays and evens works like the real deal. chapter 4 showed me alot of stuff i know i refer back to when i have my own studio
Tyrone Dillon — New Orleans Recording Connection
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Tyrone Dillon
this chapter was a very important one cause it explained the valuable tecniques needed to use in the studio when recording insturments... Read More >>
Tyrone Dillon
chapter 4 helpd me better uderstand my microphone and my setup a lot better i now know the names of all my cables and wires i even organized them better i know what a patcbay is and im still learning some stuff about them my daw has some digital replicas of patchbays and evens works like the real deal... Read More >>