Sonya GlaessnerNew York City Recording Connection

Chapter Eight & Nine: Introduction to Pro Tools and Pro Tools Basics Posted on 2017-01-30 by Sonya Glaessner

During my last observation, I was in the Red Room with Cheylene and 4 other students. We were asked to import a track into Pro Tools and basically record percussion and vocals along with it. When we imported the track off the internet, Pro Tools immediately prompted us to convert the MP3 file to a Wave file. We had to make sure the Sample Rate and bit depth were set properly for the track, as well as, for the session as a whole. We set up the two mics we'd be using for the session. From what I recall we used two condenser microphones, including the AKG C414 and the KM 84. It was the up to us to make sure the signal pathways were being fed into Pro Tools. We did have to do a bit of trouble shooting at first because we had some difficulty initially sending the signal into Pro Tools. This took longer than we would have like, however, we did eventually solve the problem. We created five different tracks for our session including, one track for the imported beat, 3 percussion tracks, and one track for vocals. We ended up looping the imported track to make it longer and there for allowing us more creative flexibility. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and were unable to finish the mix. Hopefully we will be able to go back to it in the future! 

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