While America has numerous music industry hotspots, few cities have had as profound an influence on musical styles as New York City. From becoming a cultural center for classical music in the nineteenth century, to Tin Pan Alley in the 1920s, to the jazz and swing music of Harlem, to the folk music of Greenwich Village, to the punk scene in the 1970s, New York has been making its mark on the music industry.

Today, if it is a musical genre, chances are it's being played in New York. Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis, Jr., Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, 50 Cent, Patti Smith, Regina Spektor, Neil Diamand, P. Diddy, Billy Joel and Alicia Keys are just a handful of the hundreds of prominent musicians who have had ties to the New York scene at one time or another.

The individuals on this page are all professional music producers and audio engineers who received state-of-the-art training at Recording Connection Audio Institute in New York, learning in world-class New York recording studios with one-on-one mentoring from some of the finest audio professionals in the music industry. We invite you to check out the professional websites of these individuals if you are in need of professional audio engineering services in New York City, if you're looking for fresh new musical talent, or if you are considering attending Recording Connection yourself. For more information on the Recording Connection Audio Institute, click here.

Checking in with One of Our Students in NYC:

We asked Lilly Carey of Verplanck, NY to describe what brought her to our program in the first place and how she is keeping up so far.

"I just got done with the patch bay lesson, he (my mentor) is showing me how to patch everything in. I'm only on lesson 6 but he had me sitting in on another student's lesson where I learned the basics of Pro Tools...When you're done setting everything up you sit in the control room with the artists. Sometimes they ask what you think and you just give an honest opinion and usually it works of fine. Elizabeth Chen would always ask me what I think. I tell her and we like similar music and we give each other ideas, it's really cool. It's interactive.

I defiantly want to do live sound and Iʼm okay with touring and all that stuff. I want to see what kind of names I can pick up with that. That has always been my favorite thing since I was little."

View Lilly Carey's Student Profile

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