Xavier EdwardsNew York City Recording Connection

Major: Audio Engineering

If you ask people that know me there gonna say a lot of nice things about me, but that doesn't mean they truly know me. I like to think of my life as a cryptic journey even I don't know the destination. All I know is coming from where Im from your mental has to move at different speed to make it. Ive worked many jobs an I have some college credit but none of those things pushed me in the direction of purpose. Only once in my life thus far  I have felt the sensation of true purpose but due to my own lack of discpline I lost my way. I played the drumms for my mothers choir from age 14 -19. Thinking for some reason my life would better with doing something else. So i put myself out there in other career feilds such as accounting and acting but they did not bring me the purpose I longed for in my life. But the drums was more than instrument to me at the time it was an extension of my personal rhythm that no one could duplicate. As child you can not understand the vaulue of creation it can make a broken person whole 

Latest Blog Entries from Xavier Edwards

Xavier Edwards

Life Unfolding Posted by Xavier Edwards on 2018-03-08

As I reach the end of these chapters that have changed my life I begin to refelect a little more on where Im going. I want to look back at this moment in my journey and thank god family and friends for support on this dream of mine... Read More >>