Today, Mark gave us that group project to work on again where we had to record live sound, a sampler, and midi. He wasn't with us again but another engineer that was with us last time, Rojan, was there again to answer any questions we had. We grabbed a sampler of drums off the internet, recorded the live piano from two spaced pair condenser mics, recorded a bass sound off the midi keys, and recorded vocals using one mic with a pop filter. We also had to set up pro tools again. I still don't completely get the signal flow because it still seems like a lot of steps but I felt that I understood it better because it was better explained and he walked us through it. After recording everything, we had some extra time so decided to start mixing it or at least experimenting with it and getting an idea of how some plug ins work since many of us had never used pro tools. Rojan was a former recording connections student so it was nice to have him help us out today because he made sure we were following for the most part and focused on getting hands on experience. He was explaining how it was great and all to sit on observations and watch other people work pro tools but it's not the same as getting the opportunity to work on it yourself to get yourself familiar with it. So we all got the chance to take turns on pro tools when trying to mix. When it was my turn, I just messed around with the compression, reverb, and delay. I've never used it before so it was good to just mess around with it and get an idea of what a few plug ins do. I also got the gist of how compression, attack, release, knee, gain, and ratio works on pro tools. Overall, I felt that today was where we got the most progress and hands on work done. It helped me gain better understanding , even if it was just a little, of a few things I wasn't understanding before.
Andrea Lopez — New York City Recording Connection
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