To get ourselves more familiarized witht the signal flow, we were each responsible for setting up a mic and getting signal into pro tools. We set up four mics on the piano in the red room and one mic for vocals surrounded by gobos. Then we followed the path all the way into the control room for pro tools. It went from the wall, to dubway's shop, to the control room and the pre amp and to pro tools. The signal flow and patching everything is waht has me most confused but it's mostly a matter of repition so I can get comfortable doing it on my own and eventually memorizing it. I don't completely have every step of the signal and as to why memorized but I feel like it helps me understand it a little more each time we do it. There was a lot of trouble shooting going on today as well. At one point we set up everything correctly but still weren't getting signal. We still don't know what was wrong but everything was working fine once we restarted the computer. We also had problem with the mics but it was after we recorded so we just let it be since the main focus of the asssignment was getting signal and tracking.
Andrea Lopez — New York City Recording Connection
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